Jumat, 13 Mei 2011

My First Lens!

hey guys ! Today, i get my new Lens, 50mm F1.8 ! it is not really best lens, but good for newbie like me :)
but nvm,
i bought it with my own money .. LoL!

This is my first pictures w/ my new lens ! Hope you like it guys !! check this out !

NB : Just click the pictures to see bigger size :)




8 komentar:

  1. jiaaah ada yg ad lensa baru niiihh..
    aiank, wl nga bs liad poto 1 & 3 , d sensor ktnya 'Based on your corporate access policies, access to this web site ( http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-1gi_O-RfM5w/Tc1gCDWbT5I/AAAAAAAAADI/n874phhb8b4/s1600/capung3.jpg ) has been blocked because the web category "Adult" is not allowed.'

    aiank hip hamik bo ia bo ci ciak e mikia? wakakakkakakakakakak !!!!

  2. ihhh.. mana ad?? pl buka bs kq... koq ane phai e aiank???? T.T

  3. hahhahha.. tp dr wl nga bisa.. ne hostel makin lucu.. hampir smua poto nga bs d buka, bkn cm blog dr aiank, tp poto" org lain jg, ktny krn kategori adult... aneh" aj.. ==
    ato aiank yg poto aneh" nih? hahahahha

  4. anw, itu 'hey guys ! Today, i get my new Lens, 50mm F1.8 ! i bought it with my own money .. LoL!' hrsny d ganti jg 'i get my girlfriend a new lens' deh.. katanya itu jatah na wl? hhahahahaha :p
    tagih tagih tagih !! be man of your words laahh~~~ lalalalala~~~

  5. ngk loh ya ! dragonfly ! :( sedih pl... ;(

  6. ya la yaaa.. malah mesra2an d sini.. astagaaaa.. xp

  7. eakkk .. ada yg lensa baru .. kemek" ! wkkwkwkw
